The event was started at noon by distributing tree seedballs and seedlings to the residents of Kinyambu, followed by garbage collection which helps in saving the environment from the toxic effects of the inorganic and biodegradable elements present in the waste reducing water contamination, soil pollution, and air contamination and improving the environmental aesthetic value.

Thanks, Kibwezi Equity Bank Kenya, SeedballsKenya and Bolt for supporting the event.
We were able to hold general mentorship session at Kinyambu Special School where over 700 pupils from 5 Kinyambu zone were in attendance. We also had an opportunity to share a meal with the pupils, teachers, wellwishers and parents who were present.

After taking the meals girls, boys and teachers were separated for special mentorship session led by professional Kibwezi Wellwishers members present.

We later joined Kinyambu Special School students at their classes where we were impressed by their vocational skills despite their mental and physical disabilities.

We handed over some food stuffs and NFIs we had brought them. Kinyambu Special School for The Mentally Handicapped has 39 boys and 46 girls making a total of 85 learners. Most of the learners have multiple handicaps, such as physical handicaps, cerebral palsy, speech difficulties among others, but with mental disability as the most dominant. Given majority of the students are either orphans or abandoned, the school requires continuous support on food items, drinking water, clothing, games and sports equipment and hygienic items.
We encourage well-wishers to support the institution and touch the lives of the beautiful souls.

Lastly, Kinyambu Special School Head Teacher, his deputy, Senior Citizen Ngumbi and Kibwezi Center for Sustainability members planted a Ceremonial tree and nine other trees at the school. The school management promised to take care of the trees as a way of promoting tree growing.
We grace all our events through tree-growing exercise in partnership with host institutions or communities.
Thank you SeedballsKenyaBoltEquity Bank Kenya for continued support. #treegrowing#TreeGrowingActivity#climateaction