On Saturday 05/08/2023 we started of the event by taking breakfast at Lake Oil Petrol Station at around 9:30, followed by introduction of members representing Kibwezi well-wishers, Kaiti Greening Champions, Jumuisha Initiative, Climate Clock, Seedballs Kenya, KMTC Wote, Equity Afia, and Wote technical. We did a short bonding exercise of to synergize members from different organization through music and dancing.

A short press briefing was held where our founder Dr. Sonia had an opportunity address the media team from Mutongoi TV and other freelancer media people on our environmental walk whose main aim was to urge the president of Kenya H.E. William Samoei Ruto to reinstate the ban on logging which he had lifted and could lead to more devastating environmental effects in the ASAL counties like reduced rainfall, landslide, low levels of underground water and drying of our rivers.

The press brief was followed by planting 5 ceremonial trees at Lake Oil before we started off our 15 kilometers environmental awareness walk from Lake Oil Petrol Station toward Wote town along Machakos Wote road led by 3 police officer. At Kaiti River bridge we broadcasted around 20,000 seedballs on the upper side of the river led by Sony from Seedballs Kenya before proceeding with our walk.

We entered Wote town with over 100 people taking part in the procession. At the Wote stage awareness on environmental conservation, protection and restoration was created to the business people and the traveler for around 10 minutes.

We then proceeded with our walk to Ndue Nguu hill next to Makueni Boys High School through Makueni Sub-County Hospital and at the top of the hill we broadcasted over 30,000 seedballs followed by taking snacks before departing to Unoa Children’s home.

We arrived at Unoa Children’s home at around 1700hrs and after introductions we were entertained by inspiring football game commentator, poem reciter, dance by Unoa children’s and lastly, comedy session.

We wish to appreciate the media team, Magiclare studios, Kaiti Greening Champions, Jumuisha Inititaive, Climate Clock, County Government of Makueni, Sand Authority, Kibwezi Well-wishers Leadership and members for supporting and making the event successful.